International security at your fingertips

«International security at your fingertips» is a collective work, edited by Clara Rodríguez Chirino and that seeks to respond in an entertaining and didactic way to common questions about international security and defense, so that any reader unrelated to the subject has at hand an accessible explanation, although no less rigorous. .

The idea of ​​publishing this book arose from observing the growing interest of Spanish society in issues related to international security (now popularized under the term "geopolitics"). Given that the majority of texts on these topics tend to be of a technical and/or academic nature, we saw the need to bring security closer to the average citizen by avoiding technicalities and simplifying concepts. Therefore, the objective of this book is to offer an introduction to issues such as terrorism, nuclear weapons or cybersecurity without going into detail.

Despite the efforts by public and private entities to promote a culture of security and defense in Spanish society, there is still much to do. Therefore, we hope that «International security at your fingertips» Help raise awareness among the population and clarify concepts that we encounter in our daily lives through, for example, the media. We hope that, with this type of initiative, society has more information from truthful and objective sources, to be able to form an opinion on international events.

With the intention of moving away from academic language and closer to the general population, «International security at your fingertips» includes various infographics or text in another format that clarify or complement the content. In this way, the aim is to facilitate reading and encourage the reader to continue discovering the world of security.

The book consists of ten chapters in which various topics that we have considered of general interest are explored. However, there are numerous issues that we have not included, such as organized crime or insurgencies, or to which we have barely referred. Consequently, a future project could consist of publishing a second volume with those aspects that have not been addressed in this one, for which we could count on other authors.

Among the authors, in addition to the editor herself, are among others Guillermo Pulido, Yago Rodríguez, Cristina Marzal, Beatriz Cozar o Christian D. Villanueva López. The choice of the authors, among whom are doctoral students, university professors and professionals from the private sector, among others, has been made taking into account their specialization and their interest in disseminating knowledge in different subjects. As the reader will be able to see in the last pages of the book, dedicated to the biography of the authors, all of them regularly contribute to the media or popular magazines (including those of the Spanish Ministry of Defense), so they have experience in addressing a non-specialized audience.


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