Operation Interflex and urban combat in Ukraine

Training of a Ukrainian healthcare worker within the framework of Operation Interflex
Training of a Ukrainian healthcare worker within the framework of Operation Interflex. (Source: Ministry of Defense)

After two years of high-intensity war in Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion of February 2022, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (ZSU) are at a turning point in which greater mobilization is necessary to be able to defend their positions and rebuild their options in order to regain lost ground. This involves massive training to increase the number of operational units in response to the Russian mobilization that has put them at a clear disadvantage. This process must respond in time, scale and manner to the operating environment of the ZSU, for which, among others, the Interflex operation has been organized. Its content: combat in populated areas and in trench systems, plagued by new threats, such as sUAVs (Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or long-range precision systems, but also old ones, such as artillery. Unfortunately, Ukraine does not have the capabilities to maintain either the pace or the scale of such training programs, and some allies are heeding its call. This article sets out how the UK and other allies and partners have assisted Ukraine in this regard, and what this assistance entails.

“We shall defend every village, every town, and every city. The vast mass of London itself, fought street by street, could easily devour an entire hostile army; and we would rather see London laid in ruins and ashes than that it should be tamely and abjectly enslaved.”

Winston Churchill. 14 July 1940. BBC Broadcast.

Editor's note: This article arises from a visit to a training camp for Ukrainian troops in the East of England and the interviews that the author conducted with the infantrymen of the Ukrainian units, their British instructors and accompanying personnel. The author deeply thanks all those who made it possible.

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