A new future for the Australian Navy's surface fleet

Australia's response to maritime challenges in the Indo-Pacific region

Infographic of one of the future Hunter class frigates like those that will be part of the Australian Navy
Infographic of one of the future Hunter class frigates like those that will be part of the Australian Navy. Source - BAE Systems.

The Australian Navy has experienced, in recent years, a series of profound changes. The incorporation of Hobart class destroyers, new landing and supply ships was followed by the commitment to the Hunter class frigates and the dramatic turn of its submarine program, finally opting to form the AUKUS alliance with the United States and the United Kingdom. Now, they have taken a step further with the publication of a new analysis and new strength objectives for their surface fleet, which will greatly increase the number of ships in service over the coming years, including optionally manned units. Australia is thus preparing to face the challenges affecting the Indo-Pacific region, starting with the increasingly aggressive attitude of the People's Republic of China.

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