
Bomb Vehicles

Vehicle Bombs (VB), understood as another battlefield weapon, have undergone a dazzling evolution between 2011 and 2016, when the Syrian rebels and Daesh have refined this concept until it became what we could call the guided bomb of the poor. In this brief article we are going to focus on the design of VBs for tactical use, and not on those for terrorist use, which have substantial differences from the former. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.

Loyal Wingman. Source – Boeing Australia

autonomous weapons

In recent years we have witnessed the exponential growth of Autonomous Weapons Systems. They are, without a doubt, for reasons that we will explain, the future of many Armed Forces, especially those that serve the most advanced nations, both because of the resources at their disposal and because of the aversion of their societies to casualties. Now, there is notable confusion when talking about this type of systems, as well as when defining the very concept of “autonomy.” In this article we are going to try to shed some light on a complex and particularly controversial topic. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


The Battle of Musa Qala II

Isolated, surrounded, with limited supplies and surrounded by a much larger number of well-armed enemies determined to take the small base of Musa Qala at any cost... The worst nightmare of any soldier since armies existed was repeated in each of the British positions that had been established in the Afghan province of Helmand during the summer of 2006... (Continues...) Dear reader, this article is exclusive for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


Spy submarines

The Russian Federation maintains in its inventory strange devices and units that, due to their experience and the know-how of their personnel, provide them with unique capabilities. The 29th Submarine Brigade of the Northern Fleet is perhaps the best example of this thanks to its spy submarines. A unit that in recent years has gained importance and resources and is presented as a key actor for the future of the Arctic, although its role goes far beyond this region. Especially in a world in which critical infrastructures such as communication cables or the various pipelines that allow the transit of hydrocarbons support the planet and the global economy through the underwater bed. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Revista Ejercitos taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers [Keep reading…]


The road to victory

Desperta Ferro offers us a book, signed by Douglas Porch, which details what happened in a scenario that may have been overshadowed by the Normandy Landings, by the skill of Rommel or by the enormity of the Pacific, but which was key to German defeat in World War II: the Mediterranean. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


Self-propelled artillery on wheels

Self-propelled artillery mounted on wheeled chassis is gaining in importance with each passing year. Models like the French Caesar, once an exception, are increasingly the norm. Along these lines we will explain what its advantages and disadvantages are, in addition to describing one by one the main products offered by the increasingly large international market, country by country. [Keep reading…]


The war and the peace

For a long time in Western civilization, the culture of war predominated in terms of norms, facts and representations. The author of this book published by Ediciones Cátedra (Grupo Anaya), David García Hernán, defends however that in the West the culture of peace has been prevailing for a century. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.

Ambush in Yemen. Two MRAP M-ATVs have been damaged, abandoned by their crew and subsequently set on fire by the Houthis

Origin and evolution of MRAPs

In recent years there is a type of armored vehicle that has gained unusual prominence: MRAPs. Its emergence is motivated both by the needs imposed by asymmetric conflicts, and by the obligation to minimize casualties, sometimes to limits that go against the very operation of the armed forces, something that particularly affects the West. [Keep reading…]


Spanish Infantry

“The infantry is the main weapon of combat, and to its advantage, therefore, all the others must act.” This is how the infantry was defined in the 1983 weapons use doctrine, and not all the technological changes or doctrines designed throughout... [Keep reading…]


Decommissioning the nuclear powered fleet II

The Soviet Union in its day and its heir, the Russian Federation, are not the only states with serious problems when facing the process of decommissioning and dismantling nuclear-powered surface ships and submarines, as well as armed missiles. with nuclear warheads that they can carry. Examples such as the USA, the United Kingdom or France show the difficulty of carrying out a task that is too onerous in time and resources, giving in to the temptation of postponing the problem beyond what is reasonable. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.