Artificial Intelligence

An illustrated guide


Artificial Intelligence

An illustrated guide

(Henry Brighton and Howard Selina)


  • No. Pages: 186
  • ISBN: 978-84-309-7784-0
  • Format: Standard
  • Year: 2019


Artificial intelligence is no longer a science fiction idea. Half a century of research has resulted in machines capable of beating the best chess players and humanoid robots that are capable of walking and interacting with us. But how similar is this "intelligence" to ours? Can machines really think? Is the mind simply a computer program?

With this interesting introduction, the Tecnos publishing house presents us with this work, which is quite out of the norm. It is a book in comic format, but it does not lack a certain depth. In black and white, with one vignette per page and in each vignette a particular topic related to Artificial Intelligence, accompanied by a brief but concise explanation. Let no one think, however, that this book is for children or that the format chosen, by explaining such a complex topic through drawings, makes it an unserious work.

In reality, it is a quite serious book and, despite treating each topic very briefly, it allows itself the luxury of going far beyond a simple introduction to the topic it deals with, to enter into deep topics related to philosophy or cybernetics. It is also very useful for all defense fans, since Artificial Intelligence is going to be the catalyst for a good part of the disruptive changes, which we have talked about time and again, which are to come and which, in reality , to a large extent they are already here.

It is a book that we recommend reading calmly, because despite the drawings, it talks about a topic that very few are capable of fully understanding. In fact, anyone who wants to read it from scratch will surely find themselves on more than one occasion needing to consult additional sources to understand some topics.

«Artificial Intelligence, an illustrated guide» is an accessible and unique illustrated introduction to this fascinating area of ​​science, addressing fundamental questions in intelligent machine design, such as consciousness and the environment, and covering everything from Alan Turing's influential early work to robots. current leaders. You will learn about the different schools and visions of what artificial intelligence is (and intelligence in general), as well as its current and future challenges. A book that you can acquire by click here. or on the cover image.




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