Vikings at war

Kim Hjardar - Vegard Vike


Vikings at war

Kim Hjardar – Vegard Vike


  • No. Pages: 392 pp. in color (more than 380 illustrations, photographs and maps)
  • ISBN: 978-84-949540-4-7
  • Format: 21 x 29,7 cm, cardboard with dust jacket
  • Year: 2019


Between the 9th and 11th centuries, practically no coast of Western Europe was free from the scourge of the Northmen, who, in deadly raids, landed to plunder and returned to sea as quickly as they had arrived... Vikings at war It narrates all the Viking campaigns and expeditions, carefully mapped, and dedicates a large chapter to the attacks against the Iberian Peninsula.

Furthermore, this book offers a sumptuous picture of how the Vikings carried out their conquests: weapons, technology, offensive and defensive tactics, military traditions and values, fortifications or ships are described in detail and recreated with a plethora of photographs and illustrations.

The credentials of its authors support our claim that we are facing the definitive work on the subject: Kim Hjardar, a doctor in Viking and medieval culture, is also the president of the oldest Viking historical reconstruction association in Norway.

Vegard Vike, for his part, is a curator at the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo and an expert on Viking weaponry. Vikings at war addresses a fundamental and fascinating era in European history, violent and chaotic, yes, but where the germ of countries like England and Russia lies.

An essential work for lovers of the period in a no less impressive format, with more than 380 full-color illustrations, photographs and maps punctuating its almost 400 pages, bound in cardboard with a dust jacket, which make it a magnificent collector's book. A book that you can purchase through the following link or by clicking on the image of the cover.







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