Venezuela Vs Guyana: the Essequibo of discord

An escape route for Maduro's Venezuela

The president of Venezuela announces military deployment
The president of Venezuela announces the military deployment. Source - Nicolás Maduro.

The dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over the sovereignty of the Essequibo territory dates back almost two centuries. It has had comings and goings, but it remains unresolved to this day. However, tension began to rise in 2015 and has escalated in the last six months. A review of the economic, political, internal and external aspects of this dispute can help to better understand the underlying current that flows under the current discord around the Essequibo. Recovering a past around which there is consensus, which coheres, to try to solve the problems of the present is seen as a strategy of dubious effectiveness at the outset. However, it seems to be the path chosen by Venezuela, immersed as it has been for years in one of the most difficult times in its recent history and with a regime in low times.

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