
Racist symbols in the Air Force?

In recent days, several images and videos have appeared both on the social network Twitter and on television in which we could observe in detail the decoration of the helmets of the pilots of our Air Force. Some of these represented at least controversial symbols and ideas, from Confederate flags to Imperial Japan. In the times in which we live, in which any armed force must take maximum care of its communication policy, these types of details that may seem trivial, offer an argument to all those who base their discourse, contrary to the FAS, on the supposed ideological orientation of our military. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


European intervention in the Sahel

The European intervention in the Sahel, led by France, is far from achieving the expected successes. Support for various states with a history of crimes against their own populations behind them forces us to consider whether the strategy followed so far is appropriate and whether we should not remember lessons from recent conflicts such as Afghanistan or Iraq. Lessons not so much to learn, but to unlearn... (Continues...) Dear reader, this article is exclusive for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


Recover the Balearic-Strait-Canary Islands axis

National defense planning in Spain has experienced, from the very moment the country tried to fit into the international order that emerged from the Second World War, the need to maintain a balance between specific, strictly national requirements and the servitudes associated with its international commitments. The Balearic-Strait-Canary Islands Axis concept perfectly reflects the ups and downs of this dilemma. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


The Abraham Accord

On Tuesday, September 15, it took place in Washington D.C. the signing of the so-called Abraham Agreement, a diplomatic treaty that normalizes relations between the State of Israel and the Arab monarchies of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain. Thanks to this agreement, which could be repeated with other protagonists, a new era begins in the Middle East, the consequences of which we analyze in the following lines. [Keep reading…]


Operation Gideon

Venezuela has just experienced a new grotesque episode where what was supposed to be an act of force only served to expose, once again, the weakness, defects and contradictions of the opposition, giving a media victory to the Chavista regime. [Keep reading…]


Israel and its splendid isolation

When the United States created its regional command for the Middle East, Central Command, in the 80s, Israel was left out of the area of ​​responsibility to avoid problems with Arab countries that did not recognize it diplomatically. Israel thus fell into the area of ​​responsibility of the US regional command for Europe in an anomaly similar to the one that led it to participate in the Eurovision contest. [Keep reading…]


Israeli military thought

The Second Lebanon War has been, since its conclusion, a constant source of criticism regarding both the actions of the IDF and Israeli military thinking. The vast majority of these, far from being based on primary sources, have been prepared on the basis of Anglo-Saxon texts. There is no doubt that during this conflict many mistakes were made on the Israeli side, but not necessarily the mistakes that have been reported in the West... [Keep reading…]


Russia's challenge to the West

Russia cannot conceive of itself in any other way than as an empire. After the collapses of 1917 and 1991, it seeks a way to combine this "special destiny" with its weakness in the West and its lack of attractiveness in the face of the countries that were once its satellites, when it was its possession. Without the need to prey on neighboring territories, she acts pragmatically while trying to present herself as an alternative to a West that she considers decadent and hypocritical. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.


The Cartagena dock and hoaxes about the S80 Programme

The S-80 Program has been used since its inception by one means or another, as a way of putting pressure on the different governments that have succeeded each other, on the one hand, and as a simple and profitable method aimed at generating visits to their websites. What happened in recent days regarding the Cartagena dock is a paradigmatic case of journalistic misunderstanding that deserves to be clarified, although it is by no means the first nor, we suspect, will it be the last. (Continue…) Dear reader, this article is exclusively for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Ejercitos Magazine taking advantage of our offer for new subscribers through the following link.