P-3 Orion of the Air Force

The maritime patrol in Spain (II)

Maritime patrol is a fundamental element within the security and defense policy of any coastal nation. Spain, as a country surrounded by seas, maintains a very high level of social and economic dependence, both on our waters and our coastlines, in addition to the maritime supply routes that reach them. A conflictive situation that prevented the free circulation of goods would have a very serious economic impact. After all, from tourism to the export of vehicles or the arrival of hydrocarbons, there are many sectors that depend directly on the sea. The threats, for their part, are many. From terrorism or illegal immigration to the activities of rival powers, all must be monitored. Threats that we must face with limited means and in an environment of institutional chaos. E. Jarabo (Continued…) Dear reader, this article is exclusive for paying users. If you want [Keep reading…]


Maritime patrol in Spain (I)

The importance of maritime patrol is beyond doubt. Especially for a country like Spain, with almost five thousand kilometers of coastline, an Exclusive Economic Zone of more than one million square kilometers. A nation located in a unique geographical position that allows us to control the Strait of Gibraltar. All, moreover, at a time when the countries around us are strengthening their navies and in a framework of competition between great powers in which submarine warfare has and will continue to play a fundamental role. Also at a time when problems such as illegal immigration, drug trafficking or even terrorism require means capable of recording any activity, no matter how irrelevant it may seem, on or under the surface of the sea. E. Jarabo (Continued…) Dear reader, this article is exclusive for paying users. If you want to access the full text, you can subscribe to Magazine [Keep reading…]