Auftragstaktik, GPT-3 CODEX and human-machine teams

The German term Auftragstaktit, which could be translated as "mission-type tactics" refers to the practice of commanding based on directives instead of orders. That is, it is about giving the subordinate a general idea of ​​the objective to be achieved, leaving him an important freedom of decision when establishing the way in which said objectives should be achieved, unlike what happened with the system based on exact orders, in which everything was marked down to the last detail, nullifying the initiative of middle managers. In times when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important on the battlefields, how to combine Auftragstaktit with the role of non-human intelligences is a crucial issue, as there are many obstacles that arise. in the face of its "understanding" by non-biological AIs. The solution, while waiting for what the future holds, will involve the development of man-machine teams or human-machine teams in which AI will allow humans to free themselves from a good part of the workload, facilitating those tasks for those that are most suitable, such as decision making.

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